A game of Mill on the friday night.
 The Haraldiane's has built a fire, and Geiri a tent.
 Makarius and Pietari came from far away to help us.
 Katla and Kettil are playing a game of Mill.
 Geiri is explaning for some new snail-hunters how the horrible smail beasts look.
 Nässelträsket looks peacefull, but out there, the snail-beasts await....
 Harald Blodyx, experienced snail-hunter as well as the third and forth Snail-bane.
 Kettil Järv, experienced snail-hunter as well as our second Snail-bane.
 Geiri, this years huntcordinator.
 Drake, first year hunter.
 Pietari, first time hunter from far away.
 Haakon by the camp fire.
 Bengt wants to join in the hunt of snails.
 The changeling came to drop off Dina.